
Welcome to my blog! Sit down, take a look around, have some coffee. : ) This is where I let myself think out loud, brainstorm, get ideas out there. This is also where I do sneak peaks to my clients shortly after their sessions, so if nothing else, there will always be new pictures to see! If you have ever wondered why you should choose custom photographer, read THIS. Please leave a comment so I know you were here!! I love hearing from all of you!

I am currently looking for seniors who want a FREE session, some FREE prints, and would like to make a little money referring all your friends to me! Email me if you are interested or KNOW anyone who might be! Sarah@sarahmansurphotography.com

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I had a couple sessions a week or so ago...they were some of my very first sessions with anyone other then close friends...so to say the least I was a bit nervous. I leaned a LOT that day.

1: midday sun is BAD BAD BAD without GOOD shade.
2: always remember to change your white balance for very shaded areas...otherwise everyone comes out looking blue.
3: I don't know how to use my flash very well yet. Half the time it worked well, the other half it just blew everything out.
4: It is hard to get multiple young children to all look at the camera at the same time...next time bring squeaky toy...lollipop...blow horn...SOMETHING to get their attention.

Even with all of that going against me, I still had a great time and am SO appreciative of everyone who has let me use them as guinea pigs! I am learning more everyday!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Hi Sarah! This is Jen's sister Nicole. Hope you don't mind me reading your blog. I love photography too - I'm hoping to get a camera and get into it soon. I love seeing the shots you have taken! Great job!

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